ATV Jumping Techniques

ATV Jumping Techniques

Have you always wanted to buy an ATV?

If so, you’re in for a treat. After all, all-terrain vehicles are the perfect way to experience the outdoors and go on an adventure. That’s why ATVs are more popular today than ever before.

Once you’ve purchased a new ATV it’s important to learn safe-riding skills so that you can get the most out of the experience. And once you understand the basics, you can begin learning ATV tricks like jumping that will help take the fun of ATV riding to the next level.

Here we take a look at tips that will make ATV jumping as safe and fun as possible. Keep reading to learn more.

Position the Wheels Correctly

The way you position your wheel as you enter the jump will make all the difference in the world. You need to have both hands on the handlebars, eyes and attention forward, and make sure the machine is squared up to ensure proper flight.

Never attempt ATV jumping when the wheels aren’t in the proper position. The results could be disastrous. Keep in mind that the quality of your jump will be a direct result of how your wheels and your body are positioned as you enter the jump.

Watch Your Body Position

One of the key aspects of ATV jumping is body position. That’s because the way your body is situated on your quad will have a direct impact on the quality of the jump and the safety of your landing.

So how should your body be positioned for a successful jump? First of all, you should be standing or at least up out of your seat a bit. Why? Because it’s important to use your legs as shock absorbers as the quad returns to the ground.

Sitting during a jump is incredibly dangerous. You could be thrown from the ATV. Plus, your body will absorb the full force of the impact, which could be physically traumatic for your neck and spine.

Standing will enable you to move your body around while the quad is in the air, thus you’ll have more options in how to handle the machine during the jump and in controlling the landing. This will also make it easier to bail if something goes wrong during the job.

The Jumping Angle

Another aspect of a successful jump is understanding the jumping angle. In other words, you’ll need to know how your ATV behaves and position your body accordingly when accelerating into the jump.

As you approach the jump, stand with your body weight slightly to the rear of the centre of the quad. Focus on keeping as much weight as possible off the front end while maintaining pressure on the throttle. This will help prevent the vehicle from lagging down.

Keep in mind that if you fail to keep the front end of the ATV up, you’ll risk the nose dipping while in the air.

It’s also important to keep the throttle balanced. You don’t want too much speed but you’ll definitely need enough momentum to successfully launch the ATV off the ground during this part of your off-road adventure.

Keep Straight

Once you’ve left the ground, the goal is to keep the machine straight so that the tires return to earth as smoothly as possible. Otherwise, you’ll have a very bumpy landing and risk damaging an axle.

What to Do if You Tilt Mid-Air?

So, what should you do if the ATV starts tilting while in the air? The best reaction is to try to correct yourself in mid-air. In other words, adjust the machine enough so that both rear times touch down at the same time. To accomplish this, simply shift your weight to the higher side of the ATV.

What To Do If Your ATV Gets Sideways?

The machine could also potentially end up sideways. When this happens, try to stay calm and shift your body weight to the opposite side, keep on the throttle, and hang on tight upon landing. It could be a wild ride once you hit the ground, but staying on the throttle should help straighten things down once you’re on the ground.

As you gain more riding experience, you will quickly come to understand the importance of keeping the machine straight as you enter the jump. This will make for a more enjoyable experience and reduce the odds of expensive repair costs.

DON’T get the ATV in Vertical Position!

Getting vertical is dangerous. This includes both nose up and nose down. But what’s the difference?

Nose Up Vertical

Too much throttle at take-off can cause the machine to go nose up. The best strategy for stabilizing your ATV will be to learn forward and allow inertia to bring the front end down enough for a solid landing.

Nose Down Vertical

On the other hand, a lack of throttle will typically cause the nose of the machine to dip. This can be a scary moment. The best reaction is to lean back hard, shifting your body weight to the rear of the machine.

Patience is a Virtue

Most new riders don’t master jumping right away. It takes time, patience, and a ton of practice. The best strategy is to start small and work on mastering the fundamentals.

The Takeaway

Jumping your ATV is a lot of fun but it’s also dangerous, so don’t get in a hurry to carry a lot of air. Focus on form, experiment with the throttle, and make sure that your machine is always in proper operating condition to avoid injury or mechanical problems.

It’s no secret that ATVs are an exhilarating way to reduce stress while spending time with family and friends. Fortunately, this guide to jumping tips will help make every moment of ATV riding as safe and exciting as possible.


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