Important Tips for Winter Dirt Biking

Important Tips for Winter Dirt Biking

How to Stay Safe and Warm During Winter Rides

Still yearning to ride your dirt bike during the winter months? You don’t have to put that bike away just yet! You can still dirt-bike in the snow and get the most out of your favorite sport. But whether you’re new to dirt biking or a long-time veteran, there are some things to consider to make sure you’re getting the most out of your winter riding. For instance, you’ll have to take the necessary measures to ensure your vehicle is prepped and safe for the snowy season.

This article will provide you with the recommended measures that will help ensure you can enjoy your favorite pastime safely throughout the winter.

Prepare Your Bike With Modifications

It is essential to either change or modify your tires to have your machine run smoothly and safely through the snow. Failing to do this means your tires will be more susceptible to being packed with snow, which could cause you to slip and slide all over the place and potentially lead to an accident.

Dirt bike snow tires are similar to regular dirt bike tires, but have studs in them to help keep traction. The studs grip the frozen ground to keep the bike stable, reducing the risk of serious accidents.

Another modification to make could be your handlebars. Introducing grip heaters to your bike is a great option, as they direct extra warmth to your hands so that you operate the grips and levers with more ease. Look into this feature with a specialty ATV retailer like Muskoka Powersports.

Store Your Bike Properly When Not In Use

Don’t keep your bike outside. Keep it sheltered, in a shed, or preferably the garage, and keep it covered. The moisture in combination with the cold weather can cause unnecessary freezing. If you haven’t purchased a dirt bike and are looking to do so, consult with your local retailer on proper ways to store the bike without risking rust or disintegration.

Protect The Motor

Whether you need to buy a replacement motor or just make the effort to safeguard it from the snow, take a few protective measures to ensure its safety, as wet snow can potentially ruin your bike’s motor. The most important thing to remember while going about this is to keep the carburetor safe by covering the sides to protect it from freezing. You can use a set of plastic covers to keep out wet snow.

Riding Conditions

Be mindful of riding conditions, as they contribute to the success of winter riding. Remember – the fluffier the snow, the less traction you will encounter. Instead, opt for dense snow that is less than 8 to 9 inches in depth. Also, opt for snow that has a thick crust formed. It makes for better traction. And try your best to avoid riding in the dark – but if you have to, make sure your vehicle has lights to help you see better if need be.


This is a very important factor to consider. Proper clothing and accessories can help protect you from getting sick from the cold weather, or worse, contracting frostbite. Don’t forget that your regular winter gear is not necessarily made for dirt-biking or activity of the same level, so consider a more athletic route when it comes to outfitting yourself for a winter ride. And don’t forget about footwear! Your riding boots will need water repellent to keep your feet dry.

Also invest in a pair of gloves with a thick exterior and an insulated, thin interior on the palms. Thermal underwear is also key to avoid frostbite and hypothermia. And finally, opt for insulated wear rather than layers. Layering may trigger seating and limit your flexibility on the trail.

Additional Tips

Avoid frostbite and hypothermia with the clothes you wear and the way you cover up. Make sure you aren’t taking your bike out when the weather isn’t suitable and try to stay away from icy terrain. Also, try not get too adventurous and stick to trails you’re more familiar with.

With the proper measures taken and by implementing our tips above on prepping your bike for the winter, dirt biking can be a fun and safe activity for you to enjoy, even with snow on the ground.


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Muskoka Powersports

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Huntsville   Ontario , P1H 1M3
